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Growing and Empowering Advanced Technologies in Emilia-Romagna (Great-ER)

Great-ER Project
Almacube is lead partner of the project “Growing and Empowering Advanced Technologies in Emilia-Romagna (Great-ER),” CUP E38D24000070007, approved in the ranking list by Executive Determination No. 13950 of July 8, 2024 of the Head of the Research, Innovation, European Networks AREA of the Emilia-Romagna Region.
The Great-ER partnership includes Almacube Srl., Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, University of Ferrara, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, and University of Parma.
The five partners joined together in a Temporary Association of Purpose (ATS) on July 31, 2024 to implement the approved project.

The project is financed under the BANDO FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INCUBATORS AND ACCELERATORS approved by Regional Council Resolution No. 484 of 18/03/2024 (later amended by Regional Council Resolution No. 701 of 22/04/2024) by the Emilia-Romagna Region, in implementation of Action 1.1.6.” Support for the development of incubators/accelerators” of the PR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2021-2027, Priority 1 ‘RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND COMPETITIVENESS,’ Specific Objective 1.1 ”Develop and strengthen research and innovation capacities and the introduction of advanced technologies.”

Great-ER aims to stimulate Emilia-Romagna’s economic growth and competitiveness by focusing on the incubation of startups and deep tech spin-offs in strategic sectors for the region, such as clean energy, circular economy, materials innovation, digitalization and Industry 4.0. The partnership between the Universities of Bologna, Ferrara, Parma, Modena-Reggio and Almacube creates a fertile ecosystem for the development of these companies, leveraging the complementary skills of the partners: the universities offer research capabilities and spin-off scouting, while Almacube, with its incubation experience and network, supports the growth of startups. Great-ER positions itself as a reference point for deep tech innovation, creating an attractive environment for investors and companies, promoting an open innovation approach, facilitating collaborations between academia, industry and finance to accelerate technology transfer and business creation in the territory.

The project is implemented thanks to European Funds from the Emilia-Romagna Region.

Startup promotion and selection activities until November 2024.
Implementation of an incubation program for 12 startups/spin-offs/deep tech entrepreneurial projects, lasting 11 months during 2025.

Duration: 09/2024 – 31/12/2025

Partner involved

  • Alma Mater Studiorum -University of Bologna
  • University of Ferrara
  • University of the Studies of Modena and Reggio Emilia
  • University of Parma


Project manager: Dr.ssa Nicole Monti

Total project cost (whole partnership): € 276,060.00
Approved public contribution (whole partnership): € 220,848.00

Total cost for Almacube: € 195,810.00
Approved public contribution for Almacube: 156,648.00 €

Link to Great-ER project page: https://www.almacube.com/landing/great-er/
Link to regional announcement: https://fesr.regione.emilia-romagna.it/opportunita/2024/sviluppo-di-incubatori-e-acceleratori